Start by preheating oven to 350*.
In a medium sized flat dish with raised sides (a shallow soup bowl would also do) place eggs and water in and mix with a fork or whisk to combine. In another medium sized shallow bowl to the right of the first, pour in the breadcrumbs. Drizzle olive oil on two cookie sheets, putting them on the other side of the breadcrumb bowl for easy assembly.
Wash and cut the eggplants into approximately 1/2” disks. You should end up with about 28 slices after completing (about 14 slices per eggplant).
Taking a piece of eggplant with tongs, dip to cover both sides in the egg-wash, then into the breadcrumbs to fully coat, placing on the baking sheet. Repeat this process with the remaining eggplant slices in rows of three to four, or however they best fit on the pans.
Drizzle olive oil over the tops of the eggplant slices and bake in the oven for 30 minutes (or until golden brown).
Once the eggplants have cooled down slightly, it's time to assemble the stacks. Starting with the largest pieces as the base layers, place eggplants in a baking pan with taller sides (a roasting pan or 13”x9” would do). Add a heaping tablespoon of pasta sauce and then 1-2 big pinches of the mozzarella and parmesan cheese (or cheeses of choice) to the top of each eggplant slice, topping with a smaller sized eggplant. Repeat the sauce and cheese steps with that piece, and continue until you have about 14 double stacked eggplant towers.
Bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes or until the cheese is melty. This may not melt completely for the non-dairy cheese; may require 2-3 minutes on the "Broil" setting after about 30 mins. to brown it up.
At this point, you could make pasta to go along with this, however, they're great on their own too! These warm up really well in the microwave and keep about five days in the fridge in Tupperware or Ziploc bags.