One of my favorite things in the world is baking with my mom. When I was little, she would sit my sister and I down and tell us stories about her growing up in kitchens and learning from great people.
One of the things I love doing is taking recipes my mom has passed down and making them more my own in a small way, like the first time I recently made Peanut Butter Cheesecake. My boyfriend just celebrated a big milestone and this was his one dessert request!
However, we had never changed mom’s recipe before and it’s a family secret (not giving this one away, I would be disowned if I spilled the beans 🙊) , so I will link a recipe I used as a reference for how much peanut butter to use here (we actually cut it down to 3/4 cup):

Peanut Butter Cheesecake
Servings: 1 big cheesecake (using spring-form pan) or 20-24 cupcake sized versions
Prep Time: 10-30 mins.
Cooking Time: 15 mins- 1 hour, plus 30 mins to let cheesecake cool down after oven is turned off
How was your weekend Foodie Friends? Are there any secret family recipes that your family holds dear? Sound out in the comments below or let me know suggestions of where I should check out next. As always, feel free to like, comment, and share 🤗